Country and County: East Lothian


The Laird o’ Coul’s Ghost

An 18th century Chapbook describes the meeting of Reverend William Ogilvie, Minister of Innerwick, 1715 – 1729) and the ghost of Thomas Maxwell, Laird of Cuil (just south of Castle Douglas in the parish...

The Well Of The Holy Rood, Stenton

The 16th century Well of the Holy Rood at Stenton has a legend attached to its finial which resembles a rosetted cardinal’s hat. The legend states that the tenure of Beil depends upon the well keeping its hat.

Penkaet Castle

Penkaet Castle (which has also been known as Fountainhall, Penkaet House and Woodhead) is a 16th century mansion and would seem to have several ghosts. One of these is generally identified as Alexander Hamilton, a beggar who had approached the castle seeking food and shelter, only to be cruelly turned away. Hamilton threw a curse at the family as he was removed from the property.

North Berwick

In 1590, King James VI (19 June 1566 – 27 March 1625) of Scotland took a personal interest in the prosecution of a coven of witches from North Berwick who were accused of trying to assassinate him and his new bride Anne of Denmark with the use of Black Magic.