where can i find fairies in Aberdeenshire and Perthshire i need to talk with them about something importent

where can i find fairies in Aberdeenshire and Perthshire i need to talk with them about something importent

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3 Responses

  1. sarasoo says:

    Re: where can i find fairies in Aberdeenshire and …
     Hi I dont think you are mad at all! i called my son Oissine as he married the fairy princess and went to live at tir-na-nog with her! 

    I used to see them out of the corner of my eye all the time.  But I feel they have backed away considerably in the last few years.  There is a fairy glen beside beauly in invernesshire.  I know it is a bit further afield.  Unless you find where the standing stones are in the area and go have a look round there.
    Hope you find them.  Let me know if you do xxx


  2. Asperkane says:

    Re: where can i find fairies in Aberdeenshire and …
     cheers and thanks for the advice 

  3. WendyVan says:

    Re: where can i find fairies in Aberdeenshire and …
     Hi all: I do not think you are mad but I would say tread lightly! Fairies are known not to appreciate those seeking to hard to find them…

    I often wish that I could escape into their world, but it will have to wait for when it is the right time! 
    Wendy Rose