UFO Activity – Salisbury Plain – 1951?

UFO Activity – Salisbury Plain – 1951?

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7 Responses

  1. Domus Ventorum says:

    Welcome aboard Roux :0)

    Welcome aboard Roux :0)

  2. Neil Boothman says:

    Done a bit of Googling (no
    Done a bit of Googling (no doubt like you have RouX) and I’ve come up with nothing so far. Can anyone else help?

  3. Northen Lass says:

    Jus found this but from

    Jus found this but from 1919,
    1919 – Two British soldiers see several orange spherical UFOs hovering over Salisbury Plain near Figeldean, Wiltshire, UK.
    on a site called       http://www.zetatalk.com/theword/tworx134.htm

    • RouX says:

      Thanks, guys. I’m wondering if perhaps there might be a book that details all the Salisbury Plain sightings from year dot.

  4. Mauro says:

    Hi. I have looked into my
    Hi. I have looked into my archives and books and I haven’t located any reported sighting for the date and locale you mentioned. The closest match I have been able to find is for May 20, 1954 and happened way north, near the Wiltshire-Somerset border.
    As for available and reliable archives and books sadly the MOD UFO files for the ’50s and ’60s have most likely been destroyed and the excellent Flying Saucer Review only started being printed in 1955, though early issues (available on CD-ROm from their website: http://www.fsr.org.uk/ ) may be useful.

    In Distortion We Trust

  5. jayce says:

    Re: UFO Activity – Salisbury Plain – 1951?
    I was 4 years old in 1951 We were driving over Salisbury plain towards Warminster at night. I, along with my parents were, so it seems, being chased by a huge ball of fire in the sky, the faster we went, the faster it went.thats all I can remember, it must have disapeared. My father can still remember it and he’s now 93. I used to live in a village near Warminster called Chapmanslade, locals were always telling stories of ‘happening’ on Salisbury plain.

  6. Ian Topham says:

    Re: UFO Activity – Salisbury Plain – 1951?
    Hi Jenny, what an amazing experince.  Do you remember any of the stories about that area you picked up over the years?