Token American

Token American

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12 Responses

  1. Ian Topham says:

    Re: Token American
    Hi Andrasta and welcome to the website.  A large percentage of our readers are American, though not enough post on the forum, so, your special enough.

  2. Andrasta says:

    Re: Token American
    Well I will absolutely be more active than the others! Thanks for having me. πŸ™‚

  3. BaronIveagh says:

    Re: Token American
    Hey, I resemble that remark… πŸ˜‰

    Summum Nec Metuam Diem Nec Optima

  4. Andrasta says:

    Re: Token American
    Uh oh. An American….

  5. BaronIveagh says:

    Re: Token American
    Native American at that.  πŸ˜› 

    Sorry, Andrasta, we’ve discovered the Old World, and claimed it in the Name of the Six Nations…

    Summum Nec Metuam Diem Nec Optima

  6. Red Don says:

    Re: Token American
    Looks like another Civil War brewing (and this time it ain’t tea) πŸ™‚  Welcome to the site Andrasta.

  7. Andrasta says:

    Re: Token American
    I don’t think any wars between tribes were civil….

    Choctaw here. πŸ™‚

  8. Ian Topham says:

    Re: Token American
    [quote=Red Don]Looks like another Civil War brewing (and this time it ain’t tea) πŸ™‚ 

    I think it was the war of Independence where the Americans made Ice Tea in Boston Harbour, not the Civil War πŸ™‚

  9. Andrasta says:

    Re: Token American
    I don’t think there was any ice involved, Ian, but yes you are correct. War of Independence not Civil War.

  10. BaronIveagh says:

    Re: Token American
    Don’t worry, we have a hard time keeping the English, Scottish, and Irish wars seperate.

    Summum Nec Metuam Diem Nec Optima

  11. Nessa says:

    Re: Token American
    Hi Andrasta, Welcome to the site πŸ™‚ hope you enjoy it . Oh and Happy New Year!

  12. Andrasta says:

    Re: Token American
    Thanks Nessa. I already enjoy reading things here. πŸ™‚