Author: Ian


Thornton Abbey

Not much remains of Thornton Abbey, once one of the largest monastic structures in the British Isles, but what does remain looks formidable and imposing. A few crumbling stone walls remain, but the largest...


Lee Bay Big Cat (2019)

On 25 August 2019 the Bristol Post published the following article by Max Baker and Alexander Brock entitled ‘Bristol man spots ‘puma’ while on holiday near coast’. ‘A Bristol man claims he had a...


The Strugglers Inn

The Strugglers Inn stands in the shadow of Lincoln Castle in the city’s Bailgate area. The pub’s name and sign both give clues as to the grisly history of the place – the pub...


Death Omen

A man who was following a pair of horses for another farmer, was coming home one fine evening in May. and as he was nearing the gate leading to the farm, he intended to...


A Dead Woman Seen

There was a man once saw a woman in the way before him, a woman he was well acquainted with, and she was looking at him very hard, and her face looked very pale. He hurried...


A Ghost of a Suicide

A man was once going to Douglas to hear a great preacher. He left Surby soon after twelve o’clock on Saturday night, and as he was just going to cross the river near Ballasalla,...


The Ghost of a Man on a Steamer

There was a man sailing in a steamer which was lost in the winter with all hands. When this man was sailing in her he had seen a man on the bridge in the night, when there was...


The Ghost of Pat ny Keylley

‘The people used to talk about some man they called Pat ny Keylley (Pat of the forest). He was an old beggar-man. and after he died is ghost was coming to some house, where the people had...


Smethwick Baths

A 1930s art deco swimming pool is not the first place you think of when people mention the most haunted places in the country. So why is this 85-year-old building bursting at the seams...


The Plucky Maiden

[Han Myong-hoi.–We are told in the Yol-ryok Keui-sul that when Han was a boy he had for protector and friend a tiger, who used to accompany him as a dog does his master. One...