Author: Ian


Wren Day

Wren Day is celebrated on St Stephens Day (26 December) and generally comprised of a wren being killed, attached to a pole and presented on doorsteps within the township by wrenboys, singing a rhyme...


A21 – Robertsbridge

According to an article about the A21 by Sophie Madge in Kent Live on 31 October 2017, ‘drivers since the 1970s have claimed to have seen a ghost cycling in the Robertsbridge area. This...


Ghost In A Coffin

The following account was published in “The peat-fire flame : folk-tales and traditions of the Highlands & Islands” by Alasdair Alpin MacGregor (1937). ‘Connected with Breadalbain is the folk-tale of a ghost that attempted...


Loch Tay Black Dog

The following account was published in “The peat-fire flame : folk-tales and traditions of the Highlands & Islands” by Alasdair Alpin MacGregor (1937). ‘There is told among the clachans fringing the shores of Loch...


Loch Tay White Bird

‘A strange fragment, still recounted in Breadalbain, concerning a ferryman, who lived on the north side of Loch Tay, and who one evening heard a shrill whistle as of someone wanting to cross the...


Loch Tay Balls Of Fire

The following account was published in ‘The Peat-fire Flame’ (1937) by Alasdair Alpin MacGregor. ‘There is a story told in Breadalbain of two gealhhain, or balls of fire, which were seen flitting over the...


Tehi Tegi

LONG hundreds of years ago there was a witch in the island who made herself the finest and cleverest-looking young woman in it. Her like for beauty was never before seen in this mortal...


Old Man of Inverfarigaig

‘It may be mentioned here that Loch Ness has its apparition, as well as its monster. It is known to the Highlanders as the Old Man of Inverfarigaig. “The Bodach,” as he is called...