Author: Ian



The dead-bell, described as a tingling in the ears was believed to announce a friends death, according to ‘Witchcraft and Superstitious Record in the South-Western District of Scotland’ (1911) by J Maxwell Wood. I...



The dede-spall was thought to be another omen of death. The following description is by J Maxwell Wood*. A dede-spall is ‘the semi-molten part of the grease of a candle (so called from its...



‘It is described as a blue mark which appears on the body of a person about to die and without the physical explanation of a blow.’ [Witchcraft and Superstitious Record in the South-Western District...



The dede-drap, which according to ‘Witchcraft and Superstitious Record in the South-Western District of Scotland’ (1911) by J Maxwell Wood is ‘the rather eerie sound made by the intermittent falling of a drop of...


Dede-Chack or Dead-Watch

Can woodworms predict forthcoming deaths? According to ‘Witchcraft and Superstitious Record in the South-Western District of Scotland’ (1911) by J Maxwell Wood,’significant terms associated with the premonition of death are the “dead-watch,” or “dede-chack,”...


Licht Before Death, Glencairn

There are many folk customs that are said to foretell a death.  The following descriptions of a prophetic light in the communities around Glencairn are extracted from [Witchcraft and Superstitious Record in the South-Western...


A39 Highwayman

Reputedly the ghost of a highway man named Thomas Pocock haunts the A39 around Ashcott. According to Laura Linham in her article published in Somerset Live [6 October 2017]. ‘If you live in Ashcott,...


Bogle-Hole, Dalry

The following account appeared in J Maxwell Wood’s ‘Witchcraft and Superstitious Record in the South-Western District of Scotland’ which was published in 1911.  ‘In the village of Dalry itself there stood a row of...


Pentoot and Gap’s Mill

The following account was extracted from an article by John Corrie in the ‘The Transactions and Journal of Proceedings of the Dumfriesshire and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society, Session 1890 – 1891’.  ‘My...


Auchenstroan and Marwhirn

In his ‘Witchcraft and Superstitious Record in the South-Western District of Scotland’ (1911), J Maxwell Wood, refers a few ‘ghostly vestiges’ in the Parish of Glencairn.  According to his text ‘At Auchenstroan and Marwhirn...