Category: June


Toddel Well

‘No one now seeks Toddel Well in the township of Longrigg. It was formerly the belief in this parish that the waters of this well had a similar efficacy to the pool of Bethesda,...


Midsummer’s Day

The festival is primarily a Celtic fire festival, representing the middle of summer, and the shortening of the days on their gradual march to winter. Midsummer is traditionally celebrated on either the 23rd or 24th of June, although the longest day actually falls on the 21st of June.


Summer Solstice

21 June – Summer Solstice is the longest day in the year.

Bawming the Thorn

29 June (Late June) – In Appleton Thorn near Warrington a Hawthorn tree in the centre of the village is decorated with ribbons.