Category: Festivals


Robert Burns and Folklore

Robert Burns was born on the 25th January 1759 during the ‘Age of Enlightenment’ but also in a time when the country superstitions and supernatural beings were an integral part of folk belief. The landscape of Burns’ was one where the natural rhythms of nature were much more intertwined in the day to day of working life.

Whuppity Stourie

March 1 – Is Whuppity Stourie Day in Lanark, where primary children run around the church clockwise three times twirling paper balls. The original festival involved young men from neighbouring parishes and was much more violent.


St Davids Day

March 1 – This is St Davids Day, the patron Saint of Wales who died on this date 598AD.


Festival of Isis

20th March – The Festival of Isis is important to many Occult Groups.


Sheellah’s Day

March 18 – Sheellah’s Day is an Irish festival in honour of Sheelah-na-gig.


Summer Solstice

21 June – Summer Solstice is the longest day in the year.

Bawming the Thorn

29 June (Late June) – In Appleton Thorn near Warrington a Hawthorn tree in the centre of the village is decorated with ribbons.

Allendale Tar Barrel Burning

31 December – A version of burning out the old year, locals walk down the street with blazing tar barrels on their heads. Some of these are then thrown to light a bonfire.


Holy Innocent’s Day

28 December – Holy Innocent’s Day is said to be the unluckiest day of the year.


St Lucy’s Day

13 December – Traditionally a day for divining the identity of future husbands.