Category: Festivals


Guy Fawkes Night

5 November – Celebration to commemorate the saving of the Houses of Parliament from the Gunpowder Plotters in 1605. The festival was decreed by an act of parliament. It is celebrated with bonfires and fireworks and the traditional burning of a dummy called the Guy. The original plotters were hung, drawn and quartered in London.


Souls Day

2 November – All Souls Day is related to Samhain and commemorating the dead.


Walpurgis Night

30th April – Walpurgis Night, Beltane Eve, the Celtic Fire Festival celebrating the coming of summer.


Festival Of Florania

28 April – Start of the Roman festival of Florania, to the goddess of flowering plants and sexuality.


St Mark’s Eve

24 April – The feast day of St Mark the Evangelist (founder of the Church of Alexandria) falls on 25th April, but there are some interesting folk customs that fall on the eve of the feast.

Divining Who Is To Die


21st April

21st April – Roman festival to the guardian of livestock, also the day that Romulus and Remus discovered Rome.


Offering To Tellus

15th April – Roman offering to Tellus, a version of the earth mother. Usually an unborn calf was burned to protect their farms.


April Fools Day

1st April – The morning of April the 1st has long been associated with trickery and practical jokes.


Halloween / Samhain

31st October – The Samhain festival marked the end of summer and the beginning of winter in the Celtic calendar, and is one of the four Celtic fire festivals – the quarter points in the solar year. It marked the point in the year were a time of plenty gave way to more lean times, in all probability the reason for its association with dread and eeriness.

Egremont Crab-Apple Fair

Held on the nearest Saturday to the 18th October, the festival was established in 1267 and involved the distribution of crab-apples amid fun, games and traditional Cumberland Wrestling.