Category: Festivals


Rogation Day

23 May – Rogation Day is a rare festival from the Christian calender.  Rogation Day is one of the three days prior to Ascension Day and would see processions going around parish boundaries blessing their crops.  This was known as ‘beating the bounds’.

Tissington Well Dressing

26th May – Tissington has its Well Dressing Day where for centuries it has been custom on Ascension Day to dress the five wells of the village, Yew Tree Well, Hall Well, Hands Well, Coffin Well and Town Well. In 1982 the Children’s Well was introduced and has been part of th eceremony ever since.

Abbotsbury Garland Day

13 May – Is Abbotsbury Garland Day a celebration of the old May Day from the Julian calendar. Flowers are woven into frames and carried about the town by children.

Castleton Garland

29th May – A Garland King and Lady ride around the parish boundary on white horses. A garland, which is a large cone of flowers, is placed over the king topped with a posy of flowers called the queen. After the tour the garland is placed on the church tower. The ceremony has ancient origins.

Arbor Day, Aston on Clun

29th May – Is Arbor Day in Aston on Clun.  A Poplar tree in the town is bedecked with flags, they are left on the tree all year round.   The ceremony has been held each year at Aston on Clun since 1786 andprobablt dates back to 1660 when King Charles II declared a holiday in May called Arbor day following th erestoration of the monarchy.


Feast of St Michael

8th May – Feast of the Apparition of St Michael.  St Michael is one of the Archangels and is said to have appeared several times throughout history.  In 391AD at Monte Cargano and in 495AD at St Michaels Mount in Cornwall.  In 590AD he was seen by St Gregory the Great in the air sheathing his sword.  Signalling the ces

The Helston Flurry Dance

8th May – The Helston Flurry Dance takes place, where Helstonians take part in a pagan ritual processional dance through the town in a custom that pre-dates Christianity and probably dates back to Celtic times. The dance takes place each eighth of May unless it falls on a Sunday or Monday and was probably originally a fertility or Spring festival.

Garland Dressing, Charlton On Otmoor

1st May – is Garland Dressing Day in Charlton On Otmoor.  A wooden cross is bedecked with Yew and Box leaves.

Padstow Hobby Horse (Oss)

1st May – The festival starts at midnight in the early hours of Mayday. The actual Hobby Horse is a hoop covered with black material with an African mask, and a horses head with snapping jaws. A man stands inside the hoop and the procession parades around the town. The festival has ancient origins.