Category: Folktales


Port St Mary Blacksmith

“A blacksmith in Croit-y-Kaaby, Port St. Mary, was asked to put a cross of iron on the grave to prevent the spirit from coming out, but it happened the ghos’ was out, and could not get...


How The Moon Became Beautiful

The Moon is very beautiful with his round, bright face which shines with soft and gentle light on all the world of man. But once there was a time when he was not so...



According to The Legendary Lore of the Holy Wells of England by Robert Charles Hope (1893). ‘The village of Osmotherley is seven miles from Northallerton in the Cleveland hillside. Tradition has it that Osmund,...



A ruined church called Kirkmaiden-in-Fernis which can be found by Lag Point near Monreith, has an associated legend regarding the Myrton family and the foretelling of death. [Witchcraft and Superstitious Record in the South-Western...


Tehi Tegi

LONG hundreds of years ago there was a witch in the island who made herself the finest and cleverest-looking young woman in it. Her like for beauty was never before seen in this mortal...


Why The Wren Flies Close To The Earth

ONE day when the birds were all together, one of them said, “I have been watching men, and I saw that they had a king. Let us too have a king.” “Why?” asked the...


The Grey Palmer

Eight miles from the city of York, amidst picturesque scenery, on the banks of the River Wharfe, was anciently the site of a Convent of Nuns of the Cistercian order. There was a contemporary...


Death of Goll

AND at last it chanced that Goll and Cairell, son of Finn, met with one another, and said sharp words, and they fought in the sea near the strand, and Cairell got his death...


The Resourceful Wife

In the last year of Yon-san terrible evils were abroad among the people. Such wickedness as the world had never seen before was perpetrated, of which his Majesty was the evil genius. He even...