Category: Articles


Radical Spirits: Spiritualism and Socialism in the Midlands

In 1881 Frank Podmore met Edward Pease, a young stockbroker, at a Spiritualist meeting in London. They discovered a mutual interest in socialism, and joined the Progressive Association, founded in November 1882. They took a keen interest in the utopian philosophy of Thomas Davidson, and with a few others formed a society, the Fellowship of the New Life.



Onychomancy is the art of Divination using finger-nails. The future would reveal itself in a series of images that would appear on the finger-nails of a boy when the suns reflection on them is studied. The location of the images on the finger nail determined how soon the divined events would occur.


The Highgate Vampire – How It All Began – by David Farrant

LONDON 1969, AND WIDE REPORTS WERE COMING INTO the British Psychic and Occult Society concerning a tall black apparition that had been seen lurking among the tombs of London’s Highgate Cemetery. Most of these reports were from people who claimed to have been confronted by this apparition which invariably took the form of a tall dark figure and petrified people both in, or passing, the cemetery.


The West Kennet Long Barrow: Evidence of Occult Activities

[Please note the views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Mysterious Britain team]

To the average tourist the West Kennet Long Barrow is another ancient monument to look over and wonder at the way in which it was constructed, with numerous slabs of sarsen stone laid one upon another.


The Hand of Glory

The Hand of Glory is a grisly item related to a once wide held belief in the magical power of human remains, especially those of the executed. The Hand of Glory is essentially a severed hand from a gibbeted/hanged/executed criminal (the more notorious the greater its supposed potency) that was dried in the Sun after pickling and treatment with various noxious materials.


Black Magic In Clapham and Sussex

An article by Charles Walker, which details his long investigation into strange phenomena and black magic activity in the Clapham area of Sussex.

[Please note the views expressed in this article are the author’s own and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Mysterious Britain team]