Mer-Chicken of Portland (1457)
The year is 1457. ‘In the month of November, in the Ile of Portland not farre from the towne of Weimouth, was seene a cocke coming out of the sea, hauing a great crest upon his head, and a great red beard, and legs of halfe a yard long: he stood on the water & crowed foure times, and euerie time turned him about, and beckoned with his head, toward the north, the south and the west, and was of colour like fesant, & when he had crowed three times, he vanished awaie. And shortlie after were taken at Erith within twelve miles of London, four great and wonderful fishes whereof one was called Mors marina, the second a sword fish, the other two were whales.’
[Chronicles of England, Scotland and Ireland, 1808]
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