A New Set of Allegations Levelled at Most Haunted

A New Set of Allegations Levelled at Most Haunted

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18 Responses

  1. Mauro says:

    To be honest it’s pretty
    To be honest it’s pretty funny.
    Reminds me of that South Park episode in which Cartman believes to have psychic powers and gets entagled in a "psychic battle" with other persons claiming to have the same "gift". Hilarious.

  2. Ian Topham says:

    Nothing shocks me about this

    Nothing shocks me about this show now I am afraid.

    • robbiethered says:

      Fraudulent Mediums Act?
      I think technically certain kinds of fake psychics etc can be done under the Fraudulent Mediums Act. it doesn’t happen often of course, [e.g. when did you last see the gypsy fortune teller at your local fair getting hauled in!?]  Technically possible though.

  3. Neil Boothman says:

    Recently the Advertising
    Recently the Advertising Standards Agency did take action to prevent a Medium from advertising, see this thread.

  4. S Evans says:

    Re: A New Set of Allegations Levelled at Most Haunted
    Hi All,
    It was such a laugh when this so called team travelled to Transalvania to investigate Dracula’s Castle. Having tried to conact the dead in that part of the world, I don’t think that having had no response the team realized that in all probability that no one spoke English in that part of the world in the 15th/16th Century. What a hoot!!
    Oh and another thing,having been interested in the subject for as long as I can remember and in vain having not had the experiance, how come there was always a result on each episode ? Strange!!

  5. Ian Topham says:

    Re: A New Set of Allegations Levelled at Most Haunted
    [quote=S Evans]Hi All, It was such a laugh when this so called team travelled to Transalvania to investigate Dracula’s Castle. Having tried to conact the dead in that part of the world, I don’t think that having had no response the team realized that in all probability that no one spoke English in that part of the world in the 15th/16th Century. [/quote]

    It is amazing how language is a problem for mediums sometime, when at others the dead conveniently understand everything.

    [quote=S Evans]What a hoot!! Oh and another thing,having been interested in the subject for as long as I can remember and in vain having not had the experiance, how come there was always a result on each episode ? Strange!![/quote]

    I must agree,  After many of years of investigating I must say that investigations are never that productive and in reality we must just sit back and accept it is just entertainment, not a serious investigation of the paranormal.  They do make me laugh out loud though 🙂

  6. S Evans says:

    Re: A New Set of Allegations Levelled at Most Haunted
    Two years ago on a visit to the gardens at Aberglasney, Carmarthenshire I was told by the management that it was an episode/moment they would rather forget.
    However having been brought up in the area I remember Aberglasney as a ruin and also the story about the girls dying in one of the rooms having been overcome by paint fumes. A sad tale, they are buried and I have seen their graves at nearby Llangathen, Churchyard a beautiful area of the Twyi Valley.

  7. JBACA says:

    Re: A New Set of Allegations Levelled at Most Haunted
    I certainly agree re: the language barriar. Does any body have an explanation for why the “entities” would speak English. I’m not even sure they would have spoken the same language at the time of the deaths, they speak there today.

  8. mmurphy51 says:

    Re: A New Set of Allegations Levelled at Most Haunted
    You have got to admit they went from a good idea to totally destroying it in 8 series. It all started with Derek Acora having the odd possession to it been every episode, then the odd stone been thrown to the team been showered by them week in, week out. They then tried the odd member of the team feeling unwell, to them all been ill and fainting, an now the most recent is "copy my whistle", table tipping and the good old Ouija board. I have now stopped watching the series, as it is now too far fetched and should be moved to the Comedy Channel. 

  9. Ian Topham says:

    Re: A New Set of Allegations Levelled at Most Haunted
    Hi JBACA and mmurphy51. welcome to the website.  I agree as soon as Derek starting getting possessed it lost my interest.  But would a genuine programme based on actual investigations be as popular?

  10. Agricola says:

    Re: A New Set of Allegations Levelled at Most Haunted
     I agree with mmurphy it was a good idea, because back at the begining the odd thing did happen, and I’m quite sure a lot of it wasn’t staged, merely coincidence. It was entertainment, plus a bit of history, good banter and behind the scenes action at various locations which all added up to a good show. I’ve never been convinced about Derek, but back at the start he was fairly good and quite often, for me, would invoke a bit of spine tingling. However it started to go downhill once they were a couple of series in and knew they were on to a good thing. Derek was over the top, started to get possessed on a regular basis, and personalities of others took over.  Sadly it became bigger, and need to manufacture more and more ‘activities’. 

    But on Ian’s point – yes I really do think something could be made focussing on an actual investigation. But unlike MH, you wouldn’t focus on just the vigil, you’d have to look at the people doing the investigatiom, what makes them tick, the case, the history, all the different factors, then the vigil and the follow up – plus some external expert comment – essentially you would be following the investigator around.

    Biggest hurdles are funding and market, but these are minor issues. Up for making a film Ian?

  11. BaronIveagh says:

    Re: A New Set of Allegations Levelled at Most Haunted
    LOL I take anything I see on TV with a grain of salt, those these guys take the cake, as it were.

    Summum Nec Metuam Diem Nec Optima

  12. Nessa says:

    Re: A New Set of Allegations Levelled at Most Haunted
    Oh dear! This does not come as a surprise at all if we are all being honest. I used to watch it occasionly however I must agree that seeing Derek become “possessed” did take it far to far. Most of it was just plain daft. Should this be now the time to have it finally taken from our screens?

  13. Ian Topham says:

    Re: A New Set of Allegations Levelled at Most Haunted
    [quote=Agricola]Biggest hurdles are funding and market, but these are minor issues. Up for making a film Ian?[/quote]

    Haha, never say never 🙂  You never know a Mysterious Britain & Ireland TV show may be a good idea. 

  14. Agricola says:

    Re: A New Set of Allegations Levelled at Most Haunted
     I was more thinking about a documentary about one of your investigations – a following documentary.

    Perhaps something to consider….

  15. Ian Topham says:

    Re: A New Set of Allegations Levelled at Most Haunted
    [quote=Agricola] I was more thinking about a documentary about one of your investigations – a following documentary.

    Perhaps something to consider….[/quote]

    A documentary following me around Gretna marrying people would be more of an eye brow raiser lol.

    What might be interesting is a similar idea but following a series of differant groups around, seeing how they approach the subject and discussing the techniques they use and why.  What evidence they consider to be really good and why?

  16. Earthchild says:

    Re: A New Set of Allegations Levelled at Most Haunted
     Hi Guys,

    Very interested in what your saying. My daughter runs a paranormal group esparanormal based in Aberdeen. She has talked about doing a documentaray along the lines you were talking about. Im sure shed be interested. Check out the website http://www.esparanormal.org.

  17. Ian Topham says:

    Re: A New Set of Allegations Levelled at Most Haunted
    Hi Earthchild welcome to Mysterious Britain.  If we ever get around to doing a documentary we will certainly keep E S Paranormal in mind.  We have a groups section on this website which I would be happy ES Paranormal to if they want.

    Thanks for posting and I hope you continue to find the site interesting.