Exorcism : Murder

Exorcism : Murder

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8 Responses

  1. Red Don says:

    [quote]A Wainuiomata woman killed during a botched exorcism had been acting like a lion and speaking in “puzzles” after being possessed by spirits from a stolen statue, the High Court at Wellington has been told.

    The Crown has finished presenting its five-week long case against the family of Janet Moses for the 22-year-old woman’s October 2007 death.

    Nine people, including five aunts and an uncle, were charged with manslaughter after water poured on to her face to lift a makutu, or curse, got into her lungs.

    The video-taped police interview of the slain woman’s aunt and co-accused, Angela Orupe, said her niece had been “fighting with her grandmother, acting like a lion and trying to claw her”.

    The makutu targeted her cousin, who took the statue, but affected Moses because she was weaker, Orupe said.

    She described the lion as an “ugly statue”, about 60cm high and “very, very old”.

    Two family members stole it from outside a Greytown pub after a drinking session.

    After bringing the statue home, the family’s children began getting sick and were unsettled, she said.

    Following advice from a kaumatua in Porirua, the family drove in a hikoi, or convoy, to return the statue to the place it was stolen from.

    Driving home after taking the statue back one of the cars in the hikoi got a puncture and had to pull over – violating the instruction the family had to leave and return to the grandmother’s house together, she said.

    That night, family members reported Moses speaking in “puzzles” and having a restless night, Orupe said.

    “Things were coming out of her mouth – saying the same things – ‘money’, ‘the funeral’, ‘the hits’. We couldn’t get her to sleep.”

    She said Moses had spirits in her eyes that looked “like jellyfish – slimy little things”.

    In the ceremony, which lasted several days, the family had poured litres of water into the woman’s eyes to lift the makutu, until she began convulsing.

    Someone then put a spoon into her mouth to stop her biting her tongue, Orupe said.

    Several of the whanau present attempted CPR.

    “You honestly had to be there. To think this sort of thing could happen in this day and age,” she told Detective Mike Philpott.

    She questioned Philpott’s assumption there was a “correct process” for exorcism, saying it was whatever her elders said it was.

    Lawyers representing the nine accused called no witnesses.

    The nine accused, who have all pleaded not guilty, are John Tahana Rawiri, 49, Georgina Aroha Rawiri, 50, Tanginoa Apanui, 42, Hall Jones Wharepapa, 46, Orupe, 36, Gaylene Tangiohororere Kepa, 44, Aroha Gwendoline Wharepapa, 48, Alfred Hughes Kepa, 48, and Glenys Lynette Wright, 52.

    By Javier Ortega – javier@ghosttheory.com [/quote]

    I heard about a woman being drowned in a New Zealand exorcism a few years back, but I did not know the full details. 

    What can you say about cases like this?

  2. Neil Boothman says:

    All too common
    I’d have thought the parents could have been charged with neglect at least:
    Girl Dies After Parents Pray for Healing Instead of Seeking Medical Help

    I’ve read somewhere (but I can’t locate a source for it on the web) that in certain states in the USA, prosecution charges cannot be called for deaths during religious procedures – in Utah for example a preacher was said to have had no charges brought against him after he smothered a young boy to death during an ‘exorcism’.

    Closer to home, there’s the usual controversy in the UK regards members of Jehovah’s Witnesses church and blood transfusions:
    The Sun: Mum Could Have Survived

    As an adult fine, believe what you want to believe but, I think children need more protection from this kind of thing.

  3. someonestole shell says:

    I have never understood how people can be blinded and influenced by their faith,to that sort of extent. Even more so than their own children which they can touch,see and feel. I do not understand how beliefs could possibly overrule watching your,or any child for that matter suffer.
    Do I believe in possession etc?  I do not know. Having never seen it first hand. I don’t think the footage of Emily Rose counts. 

  4. Ecardina says:

    Simply criminal

    I personally believe in posessions and how exoricisms can in some cases help… but really, this was just ridiculous and unnecessary! Most people, whatever their beliefs, turn to faith after seeking some proper medical advice first. I don’t exactly see how pouring excessive amounts of water on someone can be considered an ‘exorcism’. Seems more like pure stupidity.

  5. Neil Boothman says:

    I cannot give credence to
    I cannot give credence to the concept of a supernatural entity ‘possessing’ a human being, causing adjustments in their health, behaviour and personality. In my view the only way an exorcism could possibly help is as a purely cathartic process, the success of which can be attributed to placebo effect and the persuasive and suggestive aptitudes of the exorcist. Surely the only ‘demons’ such a process could exorcise are metaphoric – namely the struggles and altercations in the exorcisee’s life.

    For those with a clinical, physical mental health condition such as Bi-polar Disorder an exorcism would be of nominal help.

  6. BaronIveagh says:

    Neil, you’ve never been on
    Neil, you’ve never been on hand when a girl 90 pounds dripping wet throws two 300 plus pound grown men, one a body builder, across a room, simultaniously.  (Which is why I make a point not to be present at exorcisms of humans.  Places, objects, sure.  People, well…. as they say, Hell No.)

    People talking in riddles and puzzles and dead languages and several voices at once don’t bother me, it’s when they Hulk Out, and can shrug off 10k volts.

    Summum Nec Metuam Diem Nec Optima

    • Ian Topham says:

      BaronIveagh wrote:

      [quote=BaronIveagh]Neil, you’ve never been on hand when a girl 90 pounds dripping wet throws two 300 plus pound grown men, one a body builder, across a room, simultaniously.  (Which is why I make a point not to be present at exorcisms of humans.  Places, objects, sure.  People, well…. as they say, Hell No.)

      Isn’t this more likely to be caused by some sort of adrenaline boost or drugs of some sort rather than assuming straight away it is the result of a deamonic possession.  Surely exorcisms, if they are going to take place should have independent medical professionals there to ensure they are safe for the victim/person of interest and to give objective opinions of any activity that occurs.

  7. Mauro says:

    As I said in previous posts
    As I said in previous posts a relative from my mother side of the family was a Capuchin monk and a fully ordained (ie sanctioned by the Holy Office in Rome) exorcist. As most Catholic exorcists he always kept his activities private and I think he would have rather died than divulge anything.
    So I have nothing to relate. 😉
    For myself I believe the subject has always been poorly studied to say the least. Possesion by a supernatural entity is a widespread belief: the Ashkenazi Jews of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth strongly believed in the power of the dead to possess the living; the Tibetans, bonpos and lamaists alike, still believe in entities that can possess freshly dead corpses causing them to behave very much like the possessed of the Christian traditions; Shintoists believe in all kinds of possessions.
    Was a possession case ever properly studied by a panel of independent experts in various branches and published in the literature? Was it taped? Were medical conclusions ever submitted to peer review?
    That’s why I am saying the subject should be properly studied before coming to conclusions.

    In Distortion We Trust