Greetings, folks
Greetings, folks!
Greetings, folks! As appears usual, different people respond in different ways to paranormal experiences. My case precisely follows this conclusion, and I can guarantee that what I have to say will not correspond to established beliefs. However, whatever I might believe in is not automatically in keeping with the truth. To the best of my knowledge, there are no absolute certainties in this game.
Re: Greetings, folks
Welcome, Stephen. Thanks for registering, I look forward to reading your contributions.
Re: Greetings, folks
Dear Neil,
I sincerely hope that my strange information is not greeted with the same negativity that I commonly endure. I find that agonizingly frustrating, as I have no intention to mislead, or profit, from these reports. I get ‘certainties’ thrown at me, such as “you can’t have seen a UFO, because UFOs don’t exist”, thus I cannot possibly have experienced ghosts and UFOs at the same time.
Re: Greetings, folks
Hi Stephen, welcome to the site.
Re: Greetings, folks
Hi Stephen, sorry for the late welcome but I have been away on holiday. Thanks for jumping in and adding comments under the articles, sharing knowledge and ideas is what this site is designed for.
Re: Greetings, folks
Hello, All,
Yes, I have jumped in with comments. My wife and I have had many strange things happen, spread over a period of 25-years. We had experienced things before meeting, but these events were not quite so dramatic. It is difficult trying to tell people about these things, as so many people have psychological taboos. These things so often go against people’s certainties. However, one person’s certainties can constitute another person’s myths.
Re: Greetings, folks
Hi Stephen, Welcome to the site! 🙂
Re: Greetings, folks
Hello Nessa,
I try my best to provide information, and observations.