Hauntings in Oldham

Hauntings in Oldham

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12 Responses

  1. Ian Topham says:

    Re: Hauntings in Oldham
    Hi ElMeak0, are you from Oldham?

  2. ElMeak0 says:

    Re: Hauntings in Oldham
     Hi Ian, yeah, Lees. 

  3. Ian Topham says:

    Re: Hauntings in Oldham
     I’m an ex Breeze Hill pupil.  Lived on the boundary of Lees and Waterhead for over 20 years.  Still drink in the Waterhead Mill Bottom when back home.

  4. ElMeak0 says:

    Re: Hauntings in Oldham
     Gardeners & Bulls Head? I actually live in Salem now. You know of anything local I can 
    ‘investigate’? Lol.

  5. Ian Topham says:

    Re: Hauntings in Oldham

    God I had rough pint in the Gardeners last week.  When I asked them to change it, they changed the barrel then sat down to do a crossword, forgetting to replace the pint.  I think I’ll stick to the Bulls Head now:).

    I don’t know of any really recent cases in Oldham as I have not lived there for a long time now.  Are you new to investigating?

  6. ElMeak0 says:

    Re: Hauntings in Oldham
    Yeah very new, as in ‘not started yet’ lol. I’m thinking of getting a metal detector, I’ve always been interested in history, roman times, ghosts, ufo’s, mysteries etc & I’m going to actually do something with it now. Just been up to Castleshaw Fort for a mooch with the pooch, defo going to have a dig about up there.

  7. Ian Topham says:

    Re: Hauntings in Oldham
    It might be an idea to find a good group in the area to help you get into ghost investigating. I’m not sure that you would be allowed dig at Castleshaw, it is a site of archaeological interest.

  8. ElMeak0 says:

    Re: Hauntings in Oldham
    Yeah I noticed earlier, you need permission to dig there. I’ve found where to ask though.
    I’ve contacted a couple of groups I found on here 🙂 I’ve just bought a copy of ‘Mystical Oldham’, that might help me find some spooky locations 🙂

  9. Ian Topham says:

    Re: Hauntings in Oldham
    You might want to consider joining a large organistaion such as ASSAP who could hlp you train to become an investigator and give you tips.

  10. Mcste2612 says:

    Re: Hauntings in Oldham
     I’d try the bill o jacks site in greenfield, I’ve walked around that place a few time and felt a few strange feelings


  11. ElMeak0 says:

    Re: Hauntings in Oldham
     Where exactly is it? I’ve heard the story.

  12. Ian Topham says:

    Re: Hauntings in Oldham
    Its on the road between Greenfield and Holmfirth.