Hi, Came across this great web site when trying to find out something today. Can see myself getting engrossed quite easily!!
Live up in Yorkshire but am only an adopted Northerner as I come from the South of England.
The Breeze
Hi, Came across this great web site when trying to find out something today. Can see myself getting engrossed quite easily!!
Live up in Yorkshire but am only an adopted Northerner as I come from the South of England.
The Breeze
Welcome to the site. I’m a Northerner myself, from Cumbria. I’ve spent a bit of time in the Yorkshire Dales (mostly around the village of Ingleton) doing potholing/caving.
Hi Breeze, welcome to the
Hi Breeze, welcome to the website. I think we cover parts of Yorkshire fairly well, so hopefully you’ll find something interesting around where you live.
Thank you for your welcomes – the one thing I will never do (well probably not the only thing!!) is potholing. I suffer from claustrophobia and getting into a lift is about my limit so i take my hat off to anyone that go crawling through caves.
Hi Hope you enjoy the site
Hi Hope you enjoy the site