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10 Responses

  1. Stephen Clementson says:

    Re: Reptilians
    Dear Manfred,

    There are ancient texts that speak of intelligent reptilian creatures, who once ruled the Earth.
    There are also alleged modern contacts with, or abductions by, alien reptilian forms.
    I have no personal memory of any such contact, so I cannot speak from personal experience.

  2. manfred says:

    Re: Reptilians

    Yeah, you would be reffering to the ancient Sumarian tablets which talk of a reptile race or the "fallen angels" or the "gods".

    I find it fascenating and just wondered what everybody else thinks.

    Is there a superior race of shapeshifting reptiles keeping us running around like rats in a matrix like society?

  3. Stephen Clementson says:

    Re: Reptilians
     I hear that the Old Testament tale of Adam & Eve had been lifted from Sumerian legend.  I have a problem with this, because the ancient Sumerian legend could, in itself, be a recycled myth from an even earlier time.

  4. Neil Boothman says:

    Re: Reptilians
    I take an ambivalent view of David Icke and his theories. On one hand, I’m not convinced that those in power are descendents of an alien, reptilian race. But on the other hand his tales describing the world’s elites as Reptilian beings are arguably kind of like allegories to the world around him, a bit like John Swift writing Gulliver’s Travels which at the time, was described by Swift’s contemporaries as ‘insane’.

  5. Stephen Clementson says:

    Re: Reptilians
    Well I don’t know anything about reptilian life-forms, but I do know that our home haunting phenomenon is keeping me awake (morning of 6/6/2010).  It follows a mechanistic sixes and sevens pattern, such that the 6th of the 6th and so-on are hot dates.  As 6+7=13, yes it does include 13.  Does reporting this bizarre operational pattern make me as nutty as Mr Icke is alleged to be?

  6. Daniel Parkinson says:

    Re: Reptilians

    Yeah, you would be reffering to the ancient Sumarian tablets which talk of a reptile race or the "fallen angels" or the "gods".

    I find it fascenating and just wondered what everybody else thinks.

    Is there a superior race of shapeshifting reptiles keeping us running around like rats in a matrix like society?

    I would hazard a guess at: No, however I have not been watching the re-run of V.

  7. Stephen Clementson says:

    Re: Reptilians
     That Sitchens guy has a lot to answer for.  If you read Sumerian myth as fact you end up in a blind alley.  How do we tell the difference between Sumerian story telling and Sumerian historical accounts?  It seems that even the time period of Sumerian culture remains uncertain.  Would archaeologists know that batman was a fiction, in 5000 years time? 

  8. manfred says:

    Re: Reptilians

    I find it quite strange that the masses are quite prepared to take the stories in the bible as hard fact without any question . . . . . yet the idea that these stories are just a re-hash of older stories from other civilisations is unthinkable to religious followers.

    Why would a race/civilisation/cult go to the measures of writing this book (and the other religious books), inventing the heros and saviours (who endure and undertake the same journeys, trials, suffering, adventures) in an attempt to create a history of the world for the masses to accept as fact.  And accept it as fact they do, without requiring any evidence that these fantastical historic events occured.

    If these books and histories have been fabricated in an attempt to control the masses (which they have successfully done) the question I find myself asking is why?  Why is it impossible/unlikely that a race of people (reptilian or otherwise) are in the background controlling the ‘real’ world?

    Quote:  "I would hazard a guess at: No, however I have not been watching the re-run of V."

    I’ve never watched V, but I believe it’s pretty much a television program which is very close to the reality david Icke talks about.  Similarly that film, what was it called "they live" or something to that effect.

    However my original question is already answered and thank you for that.

    Original Question "Do these Reptile beings exist in our World?, What does the Mysterious Britian community think?"


    Conclusion: No and David Icke is Insane.

    Thank you for listening.


  9. Stephen Clementson says:

    Re: Reptilians
     I’d like to hypothesise, as is my wont.  But firstly…One feasible theory concerning the Christian bible was that the New Testament had been cobbled together from various cults that already existed in the early fourth century.  With battling religious groups on the streets of Rome, it does, indeed, sound as though Roman Emperor Constantine had to concoct something to stop the Empire from collapsing.


    Despite its plausibility, I have no hard evidence that verifies this theory.  Well…at least in relation to the fourth century.  As a matter of fact, other chronologically conflicting evidence implies that Christianity already existed in the first century.  Again, hypotheses concerning the first century writings assert that the gospels weren’t written until at least 60AD.  This theory would imply that the New Testament was concocted in the mid first century.


    Yet another theory asserts that all religious saviour stories were based upon astrology.  Somehow, these people assert that the word ‘son’ has supplanted the word ‘sun’.  Whilst I can easily conceptualise the use of astrological mysticism, concerning the sun’s seasonal cycles, I don’t understand how that word-link could have happened.   I don’t understand, because there is no etymological, international, historical, connection between the word ‘son’, and the word ‘sun’.  

  10. Stephen Clementson says:

    Re: Reptilians
     Robert Orel Dean, a retired Sgt Major of the US army who had previously served in the Korean War, was assigned to SHAPE in 1963.  Dean claims that, the following year, he was made aware of a secret report that had been ordered in the aftermath of a 1961 UFO flap.  Robert states that this multiple object radar contact (it was claimed to be anything up to 50 objects) had triggered a major panic, as it appeared to signal a surprise attack by Soviet forces.  Bob says that, by all accounts, the February 1961 radar contact came close to triggering WWIII. 


    It is claimed that a NATO report on UFOs was ordered by Air Martial Thomas Pike, who was obviously extremely concerned.  Bob Dean claimed that his high ranking within SHAPE had given him the authority to read the secret report.  But his clearance to read the report obviously didn’t give Robert carte blanch to make the report public.  If it exists, then by default Robert Dean couldn’t possibly provide details of a hypothetical document that remains classified. 


    Nevertheless, some of the unverifiable statements Bob has made about this secret NATO document agree with my personal hypothesis that aliens had deliberately played god.  It was no coincidence that UFOs should happen to feature in the bible.  This would go some way to explaining why the US authorities have worked so hard to obstruct public knowledge of UFOs.