What can you see?

What can you see?

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5 Responses

  1. Mysteryshopper says:

    Re: What can you see?
    Excellent to see you went back to take more photos of the area! If only everyone would do that. I have to say, though, that I can’t personally see any faces. There are patterns at the edge of visibility, on my screen, but that is probably the brickwork.

  2. JayBiggs says:

    Re: What can you see?
    Well, the images are rather faint… and when i print them out, if i dont print it out on a high spec printer or setting they arent visable

    Im not 100% convinced that its not some trick of the light or atmospheric anomoly…. and i never am with so called spooks on film… but still… when it happens to you on your own camera… it does make you wonder 😉

  3. Mysteryshopper says:

    Re: What can you see?
    Given that I can’t even see anything weird, how did you notice it?

  4. JayBiggs says:

    Re: What can you see?
    well… i didnt notice it right away, i remember cycling back through my cameras stored memory one evening and being drawn to this particular very funny picture of one of my best friends…. i zoomed in on his face… and then noticed the strange ‘face/body’ to the left… i showed said idiotic friend… and we put it on the pc… Now i have a pretty high spec monitor so it may be that it shows up better on my pc… i don’t know…. but im fairly convinced that there is some sort of something there…. im not convinced that its a spook posing for nostalgia… but when its never happened before and hasnt happened since… it does give one the heebie geebies

  5. cragrat09 says:

    Re: What can you see?
    I think it is just shadows on the brickwork created by the flash of the camera and indentations in the brickwork. The human mind is very good at picking out facial features even when none exist, for example, the Mars Face. From above it looks like a giant human face drawn on the surface. In reality, it’s just an asteriod battered mountain range.